5 Signs Your Ashland, VA, AC System is Wasting Energy and Money

An inefficient air conditioner not only increases your risk of breakdowns. It also spikes your cooling costs throughout the hot summer months. Below are five signs your AC system in Ashland, VA, is wasting energy and money.

Dirty HVAC Filters

Not only do dirty filters impact your indoor air quality, but they cause your system to work harder to move the air around your home. Therefore, it’s recommended to change or clean your air filters every month during peak cooling season.

Higher Energy Bills

Unless your utility company raised its rates, you shouldn’t experience sudden spikes in your cooling bills. However, if you check your billing history and find that your rates have skyrocketed, it’s an indication that your AC system wastes energy.

Low or Outdated Refrigerant

The EPA banned production and importation of R22 refrigerant on Jan. 1, 2020. This means you need to replace your air conditioner with one that handles other refrigerants or convert your current system to handle them. Low refrigerant levels also cause your AC system to become inefficient.

Old AC System

Your AC system has an average service life of 10 to 15 years, but its performance and efficiency drop rapidly after 10. Without regular maintenance, the life of your system decreases dramatically, which is why you need a professional to help with repairs and tuneups.

Thermostat Issues

Sometimes the issue is with your thermostat rather than the HVAC system itself. Thermostats have a service life of 10 years, after which they’re outdated. If you notice your thermostat doesn’t react right away when you change the settings or has a blank display, it needs either repairs or replacement.

Don’t let your AC system continue to waste your energy and money. Contact our team at Atlantic Shores Heating and Cooling today to learn more about your air conditioning options.

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