Start Saving Energy and Money by Investing in a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat allows you to control your home temperature with a smartphone or other internet-connected device. This type of thermostat helps to optimize your home energy usage and save on costs effectively. Here are ways you can begin to save money and reduce your energy expenditure by installing a smart thermostat in your Ashland, VA, home:

Enable the Learning Features

A smart thermostat can learn your behaviors and help you set daily schedules that save the most energy. A feature called geofencing allows the thermostat to know when you;re at home and when you’re away. Prolonged use of your thermostat improves this learning feature, and eventually, it learns your cooling and heating preferences to optimize your schedule.

Track Your Energy Usage

You can program your smart thermostat to email reports on your energy usage directly to your smartphone. This enables you to track your energy usage and receive tips on how to optimize your energy usage to save on costs.

Remote access allows you to control your thermostat while you’re away from the house. You only require a good internet connection, and you can cool your home just before you arrive at home. This will help to save costs since you can reduce your thermostat usage when you’re not home.

Customize Each Room

You can divide your home into different zones and cool each separately. This enables you to cool only the rooms that are in use. You’ll begin to save money by reducing energy consumption in rooms with the least activity.

An energy profile consists of the size, location and methods of heating your home. You can integrate these details with your thermostat to increase efficiency. This will help you save money on energy bills by customizing your cooling requirements with your thermostat.

Contact Atlantic Shores Heating and Cooling for professional air conditioning and heating services. Our NATE-certified service technicians provide exceptional assistance to enhance your health and comfort.

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