What Should I Do to Improve My Indoor Air Quality?

Having healthy air quality in your Suffolk, VA, home is vital. That’s because the quality of your air affects your health and quality of your life. An efficient HVAC system helps mitigate humidity and filter your air as it circulates throughout the home. Here are some other ways to improve your indoor air quality so that you can breathe easier and sleep better:

Ventilate Your Home Properly

One great way to improve indoor air quality is to actively exchange stale indoor air with fresh air from outdoors. Over time, contaminants, pollutants and chemicals can build up in a home’s air supply as a result of cleaning, painting, cooking and other activities. It’s important that there’s ample opportunity to remove that polluted indoor air and replace it via the process of ventilation.

There are both natural and mechanical methods of ventilation. Natural methods include opening windows and doors. Mechanical methods include attic, exhaust and window fans. You can also invest in an energy recovery ventilator, which will integrate seamlessly with your current HVAC system.

Balance Your Home’s Humidity

Humidity plays a role in the comfort of your home. But it’s also a factor in maintaining air quality. Keeping humidity in the range of 30%–50% will eliminate the conditions that encourage microbial growth while maintaining comfort. You can balance your home’s humidity with your central cooling system and a whole-home or standalone dehumidifier.

Eliminate Contaminants

Preventive measures are one of the best ways to eliminate the contaminants that negatively impact your indoor air quality. Regular dusting, sweeping, vacuuming and cleaning will go a long way in removing allergens, pet hair, dander and other particles before they find their way into the air. Another way of removing contaminants from the air is by installing an air purifier in your home.

If you have concerns about the air quality in your home, we’re here to help. Call Atlantic Shores Heating and Cooling to learn more about our indoor air quality solutions.

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